Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great first week back!

The focus for January is the completion of your Individual Growth Plan (if you haven't finished it yet).  Also, the informal observations begin in January.  You should have received a letter in your email regarding your stipend. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Also, I found this great blog with some New Year's Resolutions for Teachers!  Tim Gauntley is a Former Library Coordinator for Toronto District School Board.  He is now an Education Consultant.  He Blogs on curriculum, technology, the school library, and learning commons.

Thanks Tim for the Great Ideas!!

Resolutions for 2012 Thirty-Six Years in the Making
  1. Become a great storyteller and collector of stories. Everyone has a story to tell, even you.
  2. Plan your work and work your plan. As my father used to say of his military days: “Good reconnaissance was seldom wasted.”
  3. Do what you need to survive but go beyond. When teaching is merely about getting through the day, maybe it’s time to call it a day.
  4. Collaborate to root your labour in your profession. You stand on the shoulders of giants, and arm-in-arm with colleagues.
  5. Don’t just forgive your mistakes. Get others to help you laugh at them.
  6. Model lifelong learning in front of your student charges. Recharge them with your energy for deep feelings, conversation, and ideas.
  7. Every day memorize a poem, research a word, collect an anecdote, write a letter. Your synapses will thank you.
  8. Meditate, don’t medicate. Loving kindness may be a teacher’s best gift.
  9. Balance output with input. Your own learning (e.g., reading, viewing, traveling, listening) should equal your giving (marking, presenting, meeting, talking).
  10. Live more in the moment. It is all here, NOW, so you don’t need to make new resolutions every year!

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