Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Individual Growth Plans: Technology

The Individual Growth Plan is the at the heart of the Growth and Development Cycle.  Growing as educators is the whole point of the process.  In addition to the resources and ideas you can find here, I know there is growing interest in leveraging technology to facilitate student learning, or better yet to transform learning experiences.

Technology can allow for learning opportunities that students wouldn't have otherwise.  When integrating technology into the classroom a good guiding question is:

What might be some uses of technology that can provide opportunities for my students to create new thinking, evaluate, or extend their thinking?

The transformation of learning experiences via technology is the idea behind the SAMR model developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura.  The model consists of four levels:

Remind of you Blooms Taxonomy?  Or any of the other Taxonomies of Cognitive Demand?

You can learn more about SAMR, check out Dr. Puentedura on iTunes U.

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